Felix, Tang Man Keung 湯文強

OHW Notice


Performance, fake notice

Paper, logo of World Health Organization & Bible verses, QR code scan system

Documented by photo on 20/4/2020


OHW Notice is a fake notice posted on the street during the COVID period, misappropriated the World Health Organization logo and Bible verses, "Revelation" 6:8, which is a script talking about virus and death. TANG deliberately blocked the scripture content with garbled characters, and let the passersby scan the QR code to check the original content while recording the quantity of scanner.


OHW Notice 是新冠疫情期間張貼於街頭的虛假通告,挪用了世界衛生組織的標誌和聖經經文《啟示錄》六章八節,這是一篇談論病毒和死亡的措辭。藝術家故意用亂碼遮擋經文內容,讓路人掃描二維碼查看原始內容的同時記錄掃描人數。